Monday, March 30, 2009


This past week and a half I've just been somewhat of an emotional wreck. Monday night, a woman who was basically like my own grandmother passed away. She was a believer, but it still hurt to have to say for now you're gone but then again it was a blessing to know that it is not the last time I'll see her. My family and I haven't really been getting along "the best" lately because of different issues. I'm just to the point where I'm sick of it, but I'm not going to compromise where I'm at in my spiritual walk just to satisfy them and get along. I yearn for God's will in every circumstance and I'm going to follow that no matter what, even if that means disagreeing with my family. Before when I have fought with them, I just get tired of fighting so I just say "sorry" so things will smooth over....but not this time. I've tried with everything in me not to yell back, do what is asked of me, and to continue praying for them. It's like the closer I get in my relationship with Christ, the farther I get from my family. Then again, I can count this time as a blessing because satan is testing me. He knows that I've given my life completely to Christ and he doesn't want that, so he is using the most important thing to me on this Earth to try and rip me from Christ's hand. Guess what! It isn't going to work!!! Christ has given me the strength and wisdom to count this all a blessing and to follow even harder after Him.
Something else that has really been bothering me is my call to missions. It's just getting stronger and stronger. When I came home from Arizona I was just so passionate about being out there and sharing God's word with others, to love on people, and to dedicate my life to God's service. I considered going to Boyce to pursure international missions and talked to a few people about this feeling in more detail. Some laughed in my face, some encouraged me, and some just said that what is really best? That hit me hard...
Well senior year has finally started winding down and I feel like I just took the safe road by going to IUS for special and elementary education. I've never wanted to be a teacher. I have a passion for kids and helping others to learn how to do things but never actually teaching. The only way I thought about teaching was if I was going to be in an orphanage teaching...but trying to live my life my own way and taking the safe path that most expect me to take is being taken. It's really getting under my skin!!!!! I want so bady to be living a life pleasing to God so why do I keep having that "back up plan"!? If I say I want to wholeheartedly follow Christ then why am I ignoring His call on my life to do missions by getting a teaching degree?
I have so many thoughts rambling around in my brain, I just need to get them out.
Please pray for me and I'm struggling with these, and if you'd like to talk I'd be more than happy to :)
Have a blessed day and thanks for taking the time to read through my randomness :)

Father, I thank you for what a loving and judging God you are. I thank you for the transformation you have made in my heart and for the many trials you send my way. Allow me to remember that your ways are higher than mine and that continue to chip away my old self to become the beautiful creations you intended me to be. I ask that you be with my family and friends who are struggling with my passion for missions and just soften their hearts to the idea.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie, it is good that you are seeking God's will. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with others in the process. That stinks!

    Question - the ones that are trying to discourage you from missions - are they doing this out of their own selfishness (they are afraid for you, don't want you to go far away, etc.) or do they really believe that God is not calling you to missions? I know that God can use others to confirm a call in our lives and that is wonderful. But I also believe that Satan can use others to try to keep us from the path that God intends for us. Only God can help you to discern which category these "helpful" people fit into.

    Praying for you...

