Sunday, November 22, 2009


These past couple of weeks have been pretty rough for me.
I was at such a low point just a little over a week ago and it was scary.
I have never been one to consider myself really emotional, depressed, or anything of that nature and last week that is what I experienced...
I had received a very unexpected phone call from someone that I hold very near and dear to my heart and it completely caught me off guard and I had no idea how to respond. I don't quite know where I stand with this and that is what I'm so confused about....part of me wants to fix things but the other part feels like I should just drop it and move on. Lion King says it quite well: "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." The result was sad but I hope it is for the better. I have no idea what God has in store for this part of my life but I wish only for His strength and guidance to get through it.

On a lighter note...I've actually found some time to read something that I want to read for the first time in quite a while. I was given a book quite a ways back called "Do I Know God?" by Tullian don't ask me how to pronounce his name because I have absolutely no clue! I'm really excited to be reading this book because to be honest...this is a question I have found myself asking quite a few times. Tchividjian starts out this book with a story of a friend who asks this very question. His friend had recently heard a sermon on Matthew 7 which talks about how God said there will be many who go through life thinking they know God when in reality they don't. This passage can be convicting for anyone struggling with uncertainty. God has created us all with the desire and need for Him and Him alone. This is why when we aren't in a strong relationship with Christ, we feel incomplete and uncertain. It is my hope that by reading this book it will not only enlighten me of the sin in my life which has lead to my feelings of uncertainty of truly knowing Christ but to be able to share it with others and help them to know, grow, and go in Christ.

Anyways, I'm going to keep this entry short because quite frankly I want to read and my last one was forever long :)
SO I wish all of you a wonderful and blessed, Lord Willing, week of Thanksgiving!

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