Thursday, January 29, 2009

Talk about a mess..

Man..where to even begin!?
Kentucky has definitely been hit with winter, just a tad late if you ask me. Starting on Monday night we were hit with an ice and snow storm. Thankfully school was closed but I did end up going to work that day for a few hours. I had to drive Kayla's car because mine had about an inch and a half thick sheet of ice that would not budge for nothing. Her car isn't might better than mine and so when I headed to just wasn't fun at all. The roads had not been cleaned in the neighborhood so I was sliding everywhere, which was not very fun. So I got to work and had to do about 30 mph on 65 south. The parking lot was not cleaned at the school so that was interesting to pull in and out of to say the least. So made it home perfectly fine, praise the Lord, and read. I finally finished reading CrazyLove and man was it awesome! It has really encouraged me to reevaluate the way I treat people and how I act.
So...early Wednesday morning, around 2:11, our power was knocked out. All throughout the night trees in the backyard kept breaking and I was paranoid one was going to fall on our pool. The only damage we really had was that a tree limb pierced through the roof of the barn a good 4 feet into it and probably another 4 feet is hanging out...not cool. So, out power was out all day yesterday. We didn't really do much of anything except read, play cards, and yeah that's it..ha. Dad, Kayla, and I tried to shovel the driveway but by that time it was getting late and mom had come home with dinner. We had to stay the night at my aunts house because she had power and we definitely needed to heat up, especially mamaw. We woke up this morning and mamaw took us all out to Crackle Barrel and it was awesome! I've honestly never had Crackle Barrel for breakfast and it was just nice to have a home cooked meal. Once we got home our power and been restored, thank the Lord. So we were without power in my house for a good 26 hours or so.

But for something more exciting for me to write about, what God has shown me. I really take my life for granted and only serve God when I want to...I use the excuse that I'm waiting for God to call me too much. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad thing to follow God's call but I do think it's bad that when we are commanded to serve God and yet don't because we want Him to all us to do it. Something that has really plagued my heart is missions. I've always had a heart for missions and such a respect for people who are involved with foreign and local missions. I have never felt that I am equipped whatsoever to do missions but ever since Arizona, God has really grown my interest in it even more. It seems like everyday somebody that I talk to brings it up or I come across an article or book about a missionary. I feel that it is my duty to do what I can now to share the gospel in every situation that I am in, whether that be through my actions, my speech, the way I dress (modesty), and even in the way I handle things. All Christians are called to do that and I have slacked off for too long!!! I'm sick of that and I'm ready to change!
Something I'm also realizing that is wrong: praying for my safety. I pray for my safety when I leave to go somewhere just so that I can have more time on earth...and not to serve God longer, but to be able to do the things I want to be doing!!! I had convinced myself that it was okay that I was doing this because I would always say, "Father, if it be Your will". I was doing that the other morning when I was leaving for work and it was just like God reached down and slapped me in the face!! How dare I to basically ask God to reconsider His will for my life. Would I really be angry with God if He has predestined my life for me to be paralyzed or have some other injuries from a car accident?! It would all because He didn't give me safety on that ride to wherever! It just disgusts me to think of how I really do question God's sovereignty with the things I do in my life. I look past the little things to much and I'm over it!

Father, I ask that you consume me...allow me to be the light in the darkness Father, and salt in a wound to those who need you! I want to follow you and only you. I'm tired of serving you only when it fits in to my schedule. I'm ready to serve you here, now and anywhere You lead me to. Help me to make the most of every opportunity and not to take this life for granted. I ask that you would make me not so selfish and to be more humble. Point out the things in my life that cause me to stumble. Allow me to have a quite heart and to watch my temper. Thank you for your grace and for the work you have done in my life, Father...

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